Why You’re Sneezing After Shower: Causes and Solutions

Have you ever wondered why you keep sneezing after shower? You take a harmless daily cold or warm shower, and the sneezing fits begin. What could be the reason for sneezing right after taking a shower? 

Now, there are many reasons for this. First, it could be the mold and mildew breeding at the bottom of your tubs. Turning on the shower activates the two, which irritates your sinuses and causes you to sneeze. 

Second, the warm mist arising from the shower has diluted everything in your sinuses. This can be anything inhaled in the course of the day, like pollen, dust, and microbes. Since these are not required by the body, sneezing acts as a way to let it all out.

There are many other reasons why you might be sneezing after shower. Let’s look at the causes and solutions to these problems. 

Why Do I Always Sneeze After Taking a Shower?

A sneeze or two after shower is no cause for alarm. But if you find yourself constantly sneezing, then maybe it’s time to check and see what’s causing it. So many things could make you sneeze after a shower, including:

Cold Showers

Cold showers have some benefits, like reducing inflammation, pain, and swelling. You should, however, be careful when taking a cold shower, especially if you’re sensitive to extreme temperature fluctuations. This is because jumping into a cold shower from the hot summer temperatures will trigger an allergic reaction that comes as a sneezing fit. 


It’s always advisable to go for a warm shower instead of one that is too hot or too cold. Avoid the extremes that could cause an allergic reaction leading to a sneezing fit. 

Hot Showers

A hot shower is all you need at the beginning or end of the day. Hot showers are super relaxing; they help open pores, loosen phlegm in your respiratory system, and clear out nasal passages. Hot showers leave you cleaner and fresher.

Unfortunately, your go-to hot shower could also be why you’re having a sneezing fit after shower. Just like in the case of cold showers, some people experience an allergic reaction due to the extreme temperature rise when they expose their bodies to hot water. 

So, if you’re supersensitive to sudden temperature changes, taking a hot shower may make you sneeze afterward. 


Always go for lukewarm showers instead of hot ones. If you must take a hot shower, make sure you warm up your body progressively before entering the shower. 

Scented Shower Products

Scented shower products, including body wash, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, perfumes, colognes, and soaps, can inflame the nasal passages and cause you to sneeze. 


If you’re allergic to scented shower products, always check the ingredients when buying and avoid those with fragrances.

Remember, even those written, “natural fragrance” can still activate your sneezing. So, simply avoid any product that has “fragrance” as an ingredient.

Consider switching to hypoallergenic shower items if you really want to deal with your sneezing problem.

Mold Spores

The dampness and high humidity found in the shower make it a viable environment for mold growth. So, if you sneeze uncontrollably after showering, you should check if mold is growing in your shower. 

Mold can be identified by a sour and musty odor, and mildewy and muddy spots on the floor and shower walls. 

Mold spores have different colors, including yellow, green, and black, and will feel soggy when touched. Don’t ignore that black stuff on your shower tile grout—it is likely mold. 


You need to find ways to remove mold from your shower. It doesn’t have to be a unique cleaning solution, as you can make your own by:

  • Combining equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water
  • Spraying it on the mildew and mold in the shower. Allow the mixture to stay on the mold for at least 10 minutes before washing it off.
  • You should see mold stains starting to fade away.
  • Repeat the process to get rid of stubborn mold.

Chlorine in Shower Water

Almost everyone showers in chlorine-treated water. But, despite it acting as a water treatment, chlorine can make your skin dry and itchy and cause it to age prematurely. Also, chlorine is vaporized in the shower, which you can inhale into your lungs. 

Chlorine inhalation will give you symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, sneezing, breathing difficulty, sore throat, and chest tightness. 

Basically, when you shower with chlorine-treated water, you will have flu-like symptoms, including sneezing and runny nose.


There’s only one solution to this—have a filtered showerhead. Filtered showerheads like vitamin C shower filters can help remove chlorine and chloramine from your shower water.

Using Bleach Products 

Apart from chlorine, bleach fumes can also make you sneeze in the shower. The bleach in your shower cleaner has a strong chemical odor that lasts for a few days. You might not use the bleach to shower, but this lingering smell could make you have a sneezing fit.


It might not be possible to avoid using bleach in the shower altogether because of its effectiveness in cleaning out bacteria. But if your sneezing is due to bleach odors, then you need to do something about it. To prevent the smell from lingering on a couple of days later, always ensure the shower area is well-ventilated before using bleach. 

After cleaning, rinse out the bleach solution to remove any residue. Open the bathroom door and window and ensure the vent fan is turned on. 

Dust Mites

Dust mites love warm and humid environments. Because of the high humidity in the shower, you’ll find dust mites hanging on fabric shower curtains.

These tiny insects feed on fungi, bacteria, and dead skin cells from people. All these are found in the bathroom, and so they act as an attraction. Although they’re not harmful to humans, some people may be allergic to them, causing symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose.


Keep the shower dust-free and clean and remove anything that can attract dust. Also, make sure you wash your rags and curtains in hot water at least once a week. 

High Humidity

The high humidity in the shower could also be another reason for sneezing after showering. This is because humidity tends to decompress your nose and even increase the amount of mucus, causing congestion, sneezing, and a runny nose. 


Always try to lower the humidity in the shower before getting down to business. You can do this by simply opening the window, turning on the fan, or opting for shorter, cooler showers, and not very hot ones. 

You can also use a bathroom dehumidifier to ensure the humidity levels are within comfortable ranges. 

Sneezing After Shower FAQs

Why Do My Allergies Flare up After a Shower?

As discussed in the text above, your allergies may flare up after a shower due to several things. It could be the chemicals that are present in your water, like chlorine. Or your soap makes you itch or sneeze, or dust mites triggering your allergy. It is good to look for the exact thing that is triggering your allergies so that you can work to get a solution.

Why Do I Keep Sneezing After Washing Hair?

There are two possible reasons for this. One, you’re allergic to the shampoo and conditioner. That is the ingredients found in the two.

Number two, the dust, grime, or any other substance from the hair might have dropped to your nose and caused an allergic reaction. 

The sneezing after washing hair could also be due to dust mites present in the shower or the chemicals in your shower water.

What Causes a Runny Nose After Shower?

A runny nose after a shower could mean that you have a chronic sinus infection or that you have serious allergies and that the warm, moist, and humid air in the shower opens your sinus membrane, forcing the contents out.

You might also be allergic to fungus, mildew, or mold that grows in the bathroom, which makes your nose run.

Final Words on Sneezing After Shower

A sneeze or two after a shower shouldn’t bother you so much. But having a sneezing fit every time you shower is a cause for alarm. If you are suffering from this allergic reaction, there are certain things you can do to ease your symptoms. First, search the entire bathroom and get rid of any fungus, mildew, and mold. Two, always use a clean, dry, non-mildew and non-mold towel to wipe yourself after showering. 

Three, always leave your shower well-aerated and ventilated, especially when using bleach to clean it.

If all these do not work to contain your allergies, make sure you visit the doctor for a checkup. After all, you don’t want your refreshing shower to leave you all snotty and panting from sneezing. 

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